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Facing Your Fear Of Marketing

Marketing can be scary. I get it! Sometimes marketing can feel really overwhelming especially when faced with so many choices and options.

This is where the power of your mindset comes into play as we know our minds are very powerful and can influence how we think and feel at any given time.

If you have the best intentions and want to market your business, but are unsure where to start, the first phase is often procrastination. This is where you will overthink every decision and then end up taking no action because you have created this massive overwhelm in your brain.

Hey, I have been there too!

And if you are not comfortable with a task and unsure what to do, the fear of the unknown can take over.

So, what are you afraid of?

It could be that it won’t be perfect, someone might judge it, someone might criticise it, you might make mistakes, the tech is too hard to work out or fails altogether, it might not work or it might work too well and you cannot deliver on the promises you made.

It is only natural to be afraid, especially if you feel like you are lacking the skills you need.

Most tasks, however, aren’t as hard as you imagine them to be. You just need to break it down and take your time.

Here are some practical tips to get you started:

  • Firstly, you need to flip the switch on the way you approach it – if you approach something with fear, it will be hard to overcome. Instead, think of it as a fun adventure. Already this will make you feel better about it.
  • Make it fun – don’t approach it like a chore you need to do. Set yourself up in a nice workspace (even out of the office), get comfortable and if you want to do it with a glass of wine or a beer, then do it. This is all about making it feel good.
  • Break the project into small tasks using a simple list of the steps you need to take. It doesn’t need to be fancy. You can use a simple Word doc or Excel sheet or a project planner like (whatever floats your boat).
  • Don’t be afraid of imperfection or failure – chances are no one will know anyway. Embrace it whatever happens as it is a learning lesson, regardless of the outcome.
  • Seek professional help if that is your preferred way of learning – it is ok to admit you don’t know everything (you are only human)
  • And the last tip is to remember that marketing is a creative endeavour – you are not saving lives and the world won’t end if you get it wrong. Let’s get some perspective here peeps.

So next time you freak out about your marketing, please keep these very wise words in mind. There is nothing to fear and taking the right mindset makes all the difference.