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How To Make Sure Your Resolutions Don’t End Up In The Scrap Pile

With many of us officially returning to the office on Monday, it feels pretty hard to switch the old brain cells into work mode 🤨

Moving myself from my poolside cabana to my office chair was particularly difficult but I also felt refreshed and ready to get stuck into the new year. Having had a close to 3-week break I really relaxed and didn’t worry too much about the To-do list which I think is what can make a real difference to how we start the year.

Now like many people in January, you might have set yourself some BIG goals for the year.

And hopefully, like many, they don’t end up in the scrap pile of new resolutions that have accumulated before the end of the first quarter strikes midnight.

If you have big plans to finally start a blog, create a proper marketing strategy, or maybe start a podcast then I applaud you.

BUT I also suggest you turn those big lofty goals into smaller milestones. Because what happens is we end up tossing our resolutions out the window when they aren’t an immediate success. A bit like that goal to join a gym and go every morning. Am I right or am I right?

Start this year differently.

Personally, I no longer set massive goals in January. Instead, as the year draws to a close, I think about what I want to change next year.

What smaller milestones do I want to achieve?

These are often projects I’ll prioritize. I’ll often allocate a timeline like to complete in first quarter or dedicate in a certain month. It’s much more achievable, doesn’t feel totally overwhelming and the smaller steps help me to the end result.

And you know what …. It actually works.

Each year I achieve 80% of what I set out to. That has to be a pretty good success rate given most resolutions fail within the first month.

So, as you venture back to your desk, and start to plan your marketing for 2025, consider breaking it into smaller bite-sized pieces. You’ll have a greater chance of success.

If you’d like to make a Fresh start with your marketing I’d love to help you. Let’s have a conversation (digital or in real life).