My job is to find your sweet spot and to make your target audience crazy for you, usually involving words, words, words, and some numbers.
I don’t believe in fluffy overcomplicated marketing advice. I also don’t use fancy words or tech that bamboozle you and make you feel you’re freefalling (I hate that crap).
Let’s focus on simple marketing that has impact.
I’ll have you walking on sunshine faster than you can say ‘Cowabunga.’

So where do we go from here?
Firstly, let’s identify what you need. We are all different and I don’t box you in with a bunch of stuff you just don’t need. So, pick the option that sounds most like you.
Every marketing person you are going to click on will be pushing a social media agenda. They’ll tell you that you NEED to be on all the social channels, create reels and probably dance around in silly Tik Toks to get noticed. (LinkedIn is the exception to the rule.)
Nah, not me!!
Whilst that might be both entertaining and time wasting, social media is the worst performing marketing channel for most B2B businesses. It won’t leave you dancing in the street or walking like an Egyptian anytime soon.

Do you feel like you're going nowhere with your social media marketing?
If you are not getting a return from the blood, sweat, and tears you’re putting into social media marketing, then it’s time to focus your marketing efforts on tactics that actually work! Download this SOCIAL-FREE SALES guide to help you get started and flip your marketing results.

All About Me!
I always tell my husband it’s all about me LOL And so it should be as I’m the person you’re investing in, the one who’s going to transform your business with words, words, words, and some numbers …
And you buy people not cute business names.
So, while you’re ‘Making Your Mind Up’, one click will reveal who I am (I hope you like what you see)

Here’s a NO commitment way to get started.
Marketing Exploration Session

If your messaging is more confusing than Xanadu (no real story and just makes no sense), I suggest you start with an Exploration Session.
It will help you find your sweet spot, refine the words you need to attract the clients you actually want to work with (not the ones that want everything for free and don’t pay their bills on time), and drill down on your ideal audience and best channels to use.
This is focused on the 4 big C’s – giving you clarity and helping you connect, converse and convert potential clients. We need to find what makes you Simply Irresistible!
This is a great starting point without any long-term commitment. After all, we need to see if we are a good fit before you say “I do”.

Don’t you forget about me! Share your digits and I’ll share tips on how your marketing should allow you to express yourself and have your potential clients walking this way!!