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Lost your job? Consider building your personal brand to find a new one

When major changes happen like losing your job, the first reaction is often panic! That is only natural as there is a massive fear of the unknown.

So once the fear subsides and you have polished off that bottle of wine, it is time to create a plan to help you find a new role or even start a new business.

Your personal brand is your first impression to the world. From the way you present yourself, the clothes you wear, the way you speak and the content you post. It all adds to your digital profile and your personal brand.

Be a thought leader
So rather than sending a bunch of unsolicited emails to people on LinkedIn, try positioning yourself as the expert or thought leader you already are. You have unique skills and intellectual property you have developed over your career. What is your unique perspective? Use this to show how much you know and you have helped clients using these skills.

Start blogging or writing Linkedin articles
Creating relevant content is a great way to showcase your skillset and knowledge. The key here is to create content that talks to the industry or decision-makers you need to reach (future boss). What are there issues? Can you talk about real-life scenarios in which you helped a client? What positive results did they have for the client or business?
There are a lot of digital voyeurs out there who are reading content but not necessarily engaging until the time is right. So, stay focused and on topic and most importantly be consistent.

Be active on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is going to be the best channel for you to show who you are and what you are about. Get involved in online conversations in groups, comment on posts NB: This needs to be genuine and authentic (not blowing smoke up someone’s proverbial), share posts that you love, write articles, connect with people in the industry you want to work in to build your network.

Connect with industry leaders and prospective companies
It makes sense to take some to send personal connection requests with leaders, employers and influences in your industry. You might already have a few companies in mind that you want to work for so connect with the boss, managers or HR staff and follow their pages. It will help you get noticed.

All these things will increase your personal visibility and help you be seen by a future boss.


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