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What social media do you need?

What social media do you need? If you are starting out on social it can be very confusing working out what social media platforms you need to use for your business. For less than a cup of coffee you can get a few answers to get you started. Available at Amazon ...

There’s a social specialist on every corner!!

As a digital strategist and chief of digital experiences I immerse myself in the world of digital every single day. After many years working in all facets of the industry I consider my ‘bullshit radar’ highly tuned. But lately it seems every second person is a so called ‘social media expert’. ...

Instagram Vs Facebook: Which is more engaging?

GUEST BLOG by Jess Mackay, Gen Y Writer and Future Author The names ‘Facebook’ and ‘Instagram’ should sound familiar to even the most technology deprived individuals. The two social media giants have emerged in the last decade to become two of the most popular and frequently used social networks of the ...