Digital Conversations

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The 1% strategy

As high achievers, entrepreneurs and busy corporates we are often goal focused right? What are our goals & milestones for the week, month or year? How do we get there? Where do we start? It often seems overwhelming and like everything in life, if it’s too hard, then we often ...

How answering your email can increase your sales

One thing that always baffles me us why businesses spend thousands of dollars on advertising then can't even answer a customer enquiry via email. Why, why, why?? This makes absolutely NO sense. These are the businesses that complain that their ad campaigns didn't work when it actual fact the received leads ...

Now there is an excuse to Blab

Blab, a live-streaming video platform, has many great features for connecting with and growing your audience. introduces a mobile and functional desktop experience that allows up to four video streams at once with the click of a button.  You just log in using your Twitter account and you are ...

The cupcake industry gets digital in New York

It seems the cupcake industry in New York understands how to use to digital to engage their customers in a way that gives them a great customer experience and leaves them wanting more. New York based cupcake store Baked by Melissa not only makes AMAZING bite sized cupcakes which are ...

Not so innovative Digital in New York

Whilst exploring New York on my recent trip I was surprised that I didn’t see more digital integration in retail considering New York is supposedly the capital of digital signage let alone other cool uses for  digital technology. Most of what I saw was pretty basic and was nothing to ...

There is no such thing as Normal

I was so excited to secure an interview with Nikki Kaufman, founder and CEO of Normal. "Normal," the name of a company that creates made-to-order ear buds via 3D printing. Normal’s business model makes it easy for custom-headphone-loving shoppers. For $199US, customers can download the Normal app, take photos of ...

Do you need therapy for your social media addiction?

Talk Space is a great company I literally stumbled across while they were doing a pop up near Flatiron Building in New York. They aren’t against social media and in fact many of their employees use it, however they offer a unique service that offers therapy for people who are ...

Uniqlo – digital and fashion collide!!

Uniqlo is known for its innovative clothing using technologies to bring more warmth, more lightness, better design & comfort. So it stands to reason that they integrate digital technology into their stores. Their flagship 5th Ave New York store features digital signage throughout and the digital elements suit the brand’s ...