Giving Back and Helping Others
The more 'mony mony' I make, the more I like to give back to charity and organisations that are making a positive impact to make the world a better place. I am particularly passionate about education for young girls who would not have a chance to go to school, due to their cultural upbringing. That's why I don't stop believing that we can create change and give these socially responsible organisations.
Sustainable Business
I try to do my part to minimise my impact on the earth. I have been a recycler for years, love upcycling, and get all fired up about businesses that are doing gnarly stuff to help our planet. I am conscious of my carbon output and wannabe a person who makes a difference with every breath I take.
Being Human & Authentic
I am me. I don’t try to pretend to be something I am not. I am effervescent, fun, professional, honest, and believe in working hard and also enjoying life. My content reflects my day-to-day life and shares my experiences in business and beyond. This girl just wants to have fun while she works and that sparkle comes through every day.
Experiences & Travel
Being a digital nomad I can work from anywhere and with clients all over the world. All I need is a laptop, phone, and wifi connection (and my 80's Spotify list) and I am good to go. So if I'm gonna be 500 miles from my usual office, you'll see it reflected in my content. I make my own rules and if I could turn back time, I would've done this sooner. I design my life and business to be flexible and to work to suit my style.