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Why You Should Be Using LinkedIn Newsletters NOW!

If you’re reading this then you are likely aware that LinkedIn has a newsletter feature.

So are you using it? And if not, then why not?

The major benefit of a newsletter over a post is that your content is sent directly to the inboxes of people who are subscribed to it. Yes directly to them!!

So, you aren’t relying on them to see it when they randomly scroll their feed. Too many people think that just because you have posted, all your connections will see it and you know that is not the case.

Having your content land in your connections Inbox is a major benefit as it equates to more qualified eyeballs reading what you have to say.

How does it work? 

Firstly, you need to set it up. Give it a name, and a description, and decide how often you want to send it out.

The first time you publish it will ask all your connections if they want to subscribe so immediately you get a lot of followers. (Then it’s up to you to keep them or get more through the content you share)

The newsletter feature used to only be available for your personal profile however they now allow you to publish them under your company name too so in effect you could have a personal one and a company one if that works for your marketing strategy.


What types of content should you share?

First and foremost, it should be educational and help your readers solve a current problem they have. This is not an opportunity to blatantly pitch to your audience every time you send a newsletter unless you want them to unfollow you.

A good idea is to have a list of articles you want to share that address their pain points so have you write them in advance.

Also, try and mix up the content. You can include videos to mix up the content type and keep it interesting. Remember it doesn’t always need to be a written article.

These articles and newsletters stay on your LinkedIn profile making it easy for others to read and be dazzled by your amazing expertise.



  • Give it an interesting name
  • Make the first one powerful and punchy to attract more subscribers
  • Share ongoing, across platforms with the newsletter URL
  • Make it easy to read with bullet points, images, and short articles.
  • Encourage sharing to build subscribers


  • Spam them with sales content every week
  • Don’t send them too often (no one wants to hear from you daily)
  • Publish War and Peace or long boring law or accounting case studies that no one will read – ahhh!
  • Send 1 or 2 out then stop because it’s not getting instant results. It takes time and it needs to be consistent like all your other marketing


What to do now?

If you love the idea of getting in front of more of your connections but don’t have the time or confidence to do it regularly then I can help you. I offer a very affordable way (** starting at $345) to reach them so you get more eyeballs learning about you, while you focus on working for your existing clients.

I have availability from July so let’s make it happen.


P.S. And what relevance does a dog on the beach have to the article? None at all but it’s darn cute and got your attention.